söndag 6 maj 2007

Açıq məktub

Açıq məktub
May qiyamı haqda

Əziz həmvətənlər,

Bu məktub May qiyamı haqda hazırlanıbdır. Lütfən onu (highlight, Copy,Paste) edin. Başlığını deyişin və öz adınızı altında yazıb öz yaşadığı ; America, Canada, Astuaralia, UK və s ölkə Prezidentlərinə və Baş nazirlərə və Parlament MPləre göndərin. Hətmən(mütləq)ölkə adini deyişin.(Amerika ya Canada...) Fax ya Email edin. İstəsəniz, yazını bir az deyişə birlərsiz. Azəri kəlməsi xarici adamları başa salmaq uçun çox işlənibdir.
www.congress.org www.whitehous.org www.senate.org

Honorable ………….

As a member of Azeri-American community, I am writing you to remind you of the first anniversary of the large-scale uprising of the ethnic Azeris against the Iranian regime on May 12-27, 2006.

Azeris make up 25% to 43% of Iran ’s population (according to CIA and UN estimate). They are concentrated in their historic region of South Azerbaijan (northwest of Iran ) and holding the private sector of Iranian economy including powerful Tabriz and Tehran ’s Bazaars. Politically they resisted Ayatollahs since 1980. They formed a strong Azeri movement and rallied for democracy and their ethnic rights. For decades, ethnic hatred is the official policy of Persian dominated regime in Iran , where Azeris treated as a second class citizen in all aspects of the society, governing body, employment, education, arts and etc.

Last year’s uprising started in several Azeri cities after the hatred article which appeared on state owned newspaper “ IRAN ”. The nation wide newspaper, an official mouthpiece of Nazi minded Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadi Nejad, in its children section, was skillfully teaching Persian speaking kids how to wipe out Azeris from Iran . The article which includes 9 points with 9 cartoons, suggested nine ways to eliminate Azeris. In one cartoon showing a Persian boy/girl talking to a cockroach!(an Azeri boy/girl)but he/she does not understand “Farsi”(Persian)language and responds in his native language Azeri-Turkic ”Namana”(meaning “What?”). Then article gives suggestions to Persian kids; nine ways to get rid of the Azeris (cockroaches). First eliminate them by not feeding and second… and finally by killing them physically.

Insulting and depicting Azeris by official Persian chauvinist policy in Iran is not a new phenomenon. The new phenomenon is to enhance the level of systematic spreading of the racist and hatred ideology in State media, school instructions and government institutions which sparked angry protest in Azeri region (northwest of Iran). May12-27 uprising was the largest demonstration against Iranian regime since 1979. In two weeks, millions of people took part in angry but peaceful demonstrations in more than 15 Azeri cities and towns including over 300,000 in Tabriz the capital of South Azerbaijan (northwest Iran ) demanding for their basic rights to education in their native language, cultural freedom and free election for political autonomy.

Unfortunately, the government of Mahmud Ahmadi Nejad responded with brutality and deployed Special Forces from Tehran and other Persian cities into Azeri cities for a bloody crackdown. As a result, at least 24 people were killed 600 wounded and over 10,000 people were arrested in two weeks. Many of the arrested were released after serving short term sentences, some kicked out of jobs and expelled from the collages, also over 350 of them still locked in notorious prisons. They are facing torture and degrading treatment and have no access to any lawyer.

Today, Azeri people are Iran ’s largest ethnic minority and their resisting movement is the most powerful opposition force to the theocratic, authoritarian and terrorist regime of Persian mullahs. The era of dictatorship in Middle East is over. And to achieve any changes in Iran , ethnic Azeris’ role is most crucial and cannot be ignored, as the Azeri movement has the best shot to tackle the Iranian regime within. This will happen by the help of the freedom lover people of the West especially American people.

By remembering the May 12-27, 2006 uprising and those innocent people who sacrificed their lives for freedom, we do our part. As an Azeri American I call for your recognition of Azeri people’s rights in Iran . And full support of their struggle for freedom and democracy.


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